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  4. Things to Do > Pre-Joining Actions
  5. IT Access Forms

IT Access Forms


The IT Access Forms are required to order equipment/software or access to additional systems or files/folders from the relevant departments prior to the new Hire arriving at the Trust.

On completion of the information the form is automatically sent to the correct department for processing.

Completing the Form

The form is split into sections, at each section the user can ‘opt out’ if not required.

  • Requester
  • Applicant (New Hire)
  • Software & Hardware
  • Location of Equipment
  • Systems Access
  • Network Drives & Sub-Folders

The user can also OPT OUT of sending sections of this form (highlighted in yellow below)

Complete the required sections and click [Submit] at the end of the form

If you have opted out the accordion will ask you  to [Submit] to confirm

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