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  3. LTHT Line Manager Portal (LMP) Control Panel User Guide
  4. Induction Calendar Section

Induction Calendar Section


The Induction Calendar allows the Control Panel user to manage the time/day/location of inductions for the Trust.

Note: LTHT Organisational Learning Department manage the Induction calendar for the trust and will update the calendar each year with the details.

This page shows:

  • Available Induction Days (usually Mondays, unless a Bank Holiday)
    • Indicator says [No Booked Induction]
  • Booked Induction Days
    • Indicator says [Booked: ‘1’] to show number
  • Calendar View Navigation – Week / Month / Today / Previous / Next

View Induction Information

To view a specific induction, click on the[booked] button and a new page will appear:

Control Panel Users can update this information on:

  • Location
  • Rooms

Control Panel users can also click on [View Attendees] to see the list of all individuals attending, a new page will appear with the details:


‘No Induction Booked’

When there is no induction booked in the system, the control panel user can edit/confirm this by clicking on the day and updating the information on the screen:

If an Induction is required, click [x] Yes

If there is no induction, the system should default to [x] No

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