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  3. LTHT Line Manager Portal (LMP) Control Panel User Guide
  4. LMP Users Section
  5. Add LMP User or Line Manager – Control Panel

Add LMP User or Line Manager – Control Panel

New User (Control Panel)

There are 3 different User Types in the control Panel

  • LMP User (a system user)
  • Line Manager (LMs have access to the front end LMP to process new hires, forms and changes)
  • Team Member (Team members are assigned to LMs as they are brought into the Trust)

How to add a new LMP ‘user’

  1. Click [Create New LMP User] button and a new page will appear
  2. Add the personal details of the new user into the fields
  3. Select the Roles & Authorisation levels of the new user.
  4. Depending on the users role within the business the following user types are available:
  • CSU Administrator
  • Line Manager – No Team Members
  • Creator
  • Authoriser (Adverts)
  • Authoriser (ITA)
  • Authoriser (Pay effecting)
  • Authoriser (Non Pay Effecting)

Select [Cancel] to disregard any changes.

Select [Save] to save new user into the system.

Note: An email will then be sent to the new user with a link to the site and instructions on how to create a password.

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