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  3. LTHT Line Manager Portal (LMP) Control Panel User Guide
  4. LMP Users Section
  5. Add LMP User or Line manager – LMP

Add LMP User or Line manager – LMP

Create New User (in Line Manager Portal)

Login to the Line Manager Portal, then using the navigation tablet in the top left hand corner , click [Line Manager Portal Users] from the drop down menu;

A screen will appear with a list of all current users, to create a new user go straight to [Add new user];

A new page will open up which allows the user to add in the details of the LMP User;

This page will allow you to set the user up and control whether their profile is active (shows as an active user), block / allow any alerts to the user and issue their role and authorisation level.

Note: For further information on creating and managing an LMP user in the front end system – See the user guide.

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