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  3. LTHT Line Manager Portal (LMP) Control Panel User Guide
  4. Tasks Section

Tasks Section


The Line Manager Tasks are a list of actions that can be set within the control panel. These can be customised specifically to the users preference;

The page allows the user to:

  • Search tasks
  • Create New Line Manager Task
  • View Task Details
  • View Overview of task
  • Filter tasks

Search Tasks

Click on the [Search] tab to open/close the search panel

Use the drop down to select the task ‘type’

Tick the box to show any archived tasks if required

Click [Search]

The system will list any matching criteria

Edit Tasks

Click on the [Details] button against a Task and a new page will open with the task details and options

Click [Edit] to change the information

Click[Save] to save any changes made to the Task, or [Cancel] to disregard any changes

Create Line Manager Task

Click on the [Create Line Manager Task] button and a new page will appear

Add in the details of the new task and click [Save] to save the task, or [cancel] to disregard any changes


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